1st Alabama Cavalry - Est. 1862
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It is with great sadness that I announce the passing of Glenda McWhirter Todd. She passed away on September 3, 2017 surrounded by her family. She was a historian, genealogist, and author who prided herself on being a descendant of Andrew Ferrier McWhirter of the 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV. Her work over the past two decades and her dedication to the 1st Alabama Cavalry has created a legacy that will last for years to come.

Her life's work has touched thousands of people through the years, and I am glad that I had the pleasure to work with her as long as I did. My hope is that her work will live on for years to come to educate and inspire a new generation.

J.H. Hornbeck Correspondence to the Perrysburg Journal
The following is a transcription of a letter from Lieutenant Joseph H. Hornbeck written to the Perrysburg (Ohio) Journal.

Letter from the 1st Middle Tennessee Cavalry - Brilliant Skirmish.

Camp at Cripple Creek, Eight Miles East of Murfeesboro, Tenn.

May 17, 1863

Eds. Journal: I reported at this camp for duty, two weeks ago. I found the First Middle Tennessee Cavalry somewhat divided into detachments - Companies A, B, G, I and K at Carthage: F and C at this camp; H at Franklin, acting as escort to General Granger; D and E (Alabamans) were sent with an expedition commended by Colonel Straight, into Alabama. We have information that the entire expedition has been captured near Rome, Georgia. After fighting for three days, their ammunition became exhausted, and they were compelled to surrender.

You may rest assured they have made a good fight. I find that ever since the battle of Stone River our cavalry have whipped them whenever they have dared to fight. Our boys depend mainly on their sabers, the rebels having but few sabers and revolvers. After making one fire, generally from ambush, the rebels don't get time to reload, until our boys are after them, often without firing at all, and generally kill and capture a number of them, frequently without losing a man. Many times they pursue them too far. General Palmer says the Tennesseeans don't know when to stop pursuit. We are within ten miles of a considerable force of rebels, and we make a scout in front every day, and sometimes twice.

Nothing of interest, however, has happened since my arrival, until this morning. About 7 o'clock some fifty men of C and F were ordered out, Capt. Wortham commanding. In a short time, General Palmer and his escort appears, and all advanced to the front - about eight men and officers.

Some five miles from camp, the advanced guard, under Lieutenant Snelling, received a valley from a cedar thicket, not five rods off, but not a man was hit. The Lieutenant and his men charged immediately and soon coming upon the, had a hand to hand struggle, which was pretty fierce for a few minutes. In the fight the Lieutenant was unhorsed and his horse got away, but he held on to his prisoner. About thirty men chased them two miles further, when the General, hearing the long roll beating in the rebel camp, sent his Orderly to call them back, remarking, "Those Tennesseeans never know when to stop." There were about eighty-five of them under Colonel Thompson, of the Third Georgia Cavalry.

The results of this skirmish was two Captains and fourteen men taken; one man killed; and several wounded are known to have escaped. Three or four of the escort were wounded, and Lieutenant Snelling bruised from the fall of his horse. We lost one horse killed and three or four wounded, and captured ten others. Private Issac H. Miser, of Co. F, a lad of eighteen, we mounted, charged on their rear, cutting right and left, capturing the two rebel Captains and one private himself. Capt. Wortham cut two or three of them severely with his saber. They acknowledged that they had laid a trap for us, and were much chagrined when they learned a Major General was out with the men, and they had failed in their object.

There is a probability that our regiment will action in small detachments in front, while the "situation" remains as at present. The value of men who know the country can not be over-estimated.

Yours Truly, J.H. Hornbeck
First Lieut. Co. E, 1st Mid. Tenn. Cavalry.

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