Series 1, vol 24, Part 3 (Vicksburg)Page�276
Lieutenant Colonel John A. RAWLINS,
Assistant Adjutant-General, Milliken's Bend, La.:
SIR: I inclose herewith a short statement from Major-General Oglesby, of the results of Dodge's expedition. You will perceive that it has been thoroughly a success, so far as this command is concerned. There is more doubt of the success of the expedition from Rosecrans. The chief cause of failure in this (if it fails), will have been in the delay of a week which intervened from the time they were to report.
By referring to my previous communications, you will perceive that the several movements indicated in them to be carried on by this command have been performed with a reasonable degree of accuracy, and with a very brilliant success in the main attempt to pierce the enemy's country. The movements on Tuscumbia on the one side drew attention and gathered their cavalry in that direction, while the movement on Coldwater and Panola drew Chalmers and his band in the other. Thus our gallant soldier, Grierson, proceeded with his command unchallenged, and has splendidly performed the duty he was sent upon. I very earnestly support his claim for promotion, earned by long and meritorious service, and now crowned by this last achievement.
I trust he will be able to join the main army below Grand Gulf; if not, he will go to Banks. In either event he will be a gain to the part of the army he may join.
If it be practicable, I strongly request that he and his command may be sent to me.
Your obedient servant,
JACKSON, may 5, 1863.
Major-General HURLBUT:
I have just received the following dispatch from Brigadier-General Dodge:
Rebels came up with Colonel Streight, between Moulton and Burnsville, 8 miles south of Somerville. Streight ambushed and whipped them badly. Rebels sent word from Decatur to Chattanooga that Streight was making for that place. Forrest and Roddey are on his track. I think Streight is far in advance of them.
I have heard nothing from Cornyn since he left Burnsville, Saturday last.