1st Alabama Cavalry - Est. 1862
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It is with great sadness that I announce the passing of Glenda McWhirter Todd. She passed away on September 3, 2017 surrounded by her family. She was a historian, genealogist, and author who prided herself on being a descendant of Andrew Ferrier McWhirter of the 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV. Her work over the past two decades and her dedication to the 1st Alabama Cavalry has created a legacy that will last for years to come.

Her life's work has touched thousands of people through the years, and I am glad that I had the pleasure to work with her as long as I did. My hope is that her work will live on for years to come to educate and inspire a new generation.

Excerpts from the Official Records Concerning the 1st Alabama
Series 1, vol 30, Part 3 (Chickamauga)

Page 855



Assistant Adjutant-General:

MAJOR: The troops guarding Government saw-mill near Larkinsville, Ala., consisting of Captain Latham's company, First Alabama Cavalry, and some 20 men of the Fourth Indiana Cavalry, under command of a lieutenant, were attacked by a band of neighborhood guerrillas this morning about daylight. They disgracefully ran away, leaving all Government property in the hands of the enemy. Some 40 of Captain Latham's company were captured; the remainder are scattered through the mountains. None were either killed or wounded, as far as I can hear. A small force from here was immediately sent out by railroad. They found the mill injured but very slightly. The mill will be put in running order by Captain Warren, post quartermaster, in a few days. As this mill is and has been of immense value to the Government, a force for its protection will be kept there. I shall arrest some 10 or 12 of the most prominent secessionists in the neighborhood of the mill, and hold them responsible for any further damage.

I am, major, very respectfully,



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