Series 1, vol XXX (30), Part 4 (Chickamauga)Page 119
Memphis, Tenn.., October 3, 1863.
Colonel G. E. SPENCER,
Comdg. First Alabama Vol. Cavalry, Corinth, Miss.:
SIR: You will take all the available and well-mounted men of your command and proceed rapidly through Jasper, Ala., to Montgomery, or to some point east of Montgomery on the West Point railroad. Arriving there you will proceed to destroy effectually the Montgomery and West Point Railroad in its rolling-stock, track, and depots, doing the most thorough amount of damage possible.
You will, as far as possible, avoid all public and known roads before striking this road, and will see to it that your men are kept together and held thoroughly in hand.
It is exceedingly desirable that the breaking of this road should be thorough and complete.
Men will be carefully instructed not to interfere with private property further than is necessary for remounts and for sustenance to the command. All public stores and works will be destroyed.
After completing the destruction of this road, if it be possible, you will strike for the Georgia road, east of Atlanta, and do all damage possible there.
The movements of the command, however, must be governed by circumstances, and will be left in the discretion of Colonel Spencer.
The line of escape will probably be by Pensacola.
By order of Major-General Hurlbut:
Assistant Adjutant-General.