Series 1, vol 32, Part 2 (Forrest's Expedition)Page 76
Chief of Cavalry, Division of the Mississippi.
CORINTH, January 12, 1864-9.10 p.m.
Major-General HURLBUT:
In order to promptly execute your order I should not be embarrassed by Colonel Mizner and command encumbering the road with trains of old shanties torn to pieces. In addition, he has ordered First Alabama Cavalry to move to Memphis. This order should be countermarched until such time as I indicate that it should be made. Camp Davies is an important outpost to me and should be under my sole control for the time being. With prompt co-operation on part of General Webster your order can be speedily complied with; without it, then it will be a work of time. I have at least 600 wives and children of Federal soldiers that require to be cared for, and also about the same number or more contrabands, for whom Lieutenant-Colonel Phillips should immediately provide. What about traders with Treasury permits, and their stocks? We should dispose of them.