Series 1, vol 32, Part 3 (Forrest's Expedition)page 525-526
Athens, Ala., April 28, 1864.
Brigadier General J. C. VEATCH,
Commanding Fourth Division, Decatur, Ala.:
GENERAL: I desire you to be ready with the command designated in my dispatch to move May 2, at daylight. One brigade will be ready to move at noon, May 1, to Flint River, to cover Captain Armstrong's pioneers, who will brigade Flint during that night. The Ninth Illinois Infantry and First Alabama Cavalry should move with them. You will have to make the proper disposition of troops left behind. Detail acting staff officers, &c.
I think I shall place General Stevenson in command of all troops left of this command, extending from Lynnville down to and including Decatur.
If Captain Armstrong thinks it will take more time to bridge Flint, we will have to move on the morning of May 1; at least, part of you command will. I will try to be there on the 30th day of April, and you better have everything loaded and ready to go May 1, should my troops coming up get close enough. I desire that the movement should not be known outside of Decatur until it is made. The Ninth Ohio Cavalry will be added to the garrison of Decatur, as well as convalescents, or part of them, of the Second Division, and we should get the new fortifications as far advanced as possible.
I have written Captain Armstrong to-day. Give your pioneer corps as many teams as Captain Armstrong thinks necessary, but they must not carry anything only what we will need in the field.
A good supply of entrenching tools must be taken. The mounted force will load all wagons but three with forage alone.
I have been informed since writing the above that Flint is fordable at Somerville crossing. If this is so for artillery and teams, we will only need a foot-bridge.
I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,