Series 1, vol 32, Part 3 (Forrest's Expedition)page 579-580
DEMOPOLIS, ALA., March 3, 1864.
Lieutenant Colonel T. F. SEVIER,
Assistant Inspector-General:
COLONEL: I have the honor to make the following report of the reconnaissance which I made in obedience to orders from department headquarters dated February 23:
I proceeded down the Mobile and Ohio Railroad as far as Enterprise, having struck the road at Meridian, and I found that the enemy had torn up the road in spots from Lauderdale Springs to the. The bridge over the Chickasawha, which is a short distance below Quitman. The damage done to the road extends over a distance of 48 miles, but not more than about 30 miles of the road is actually damaged. The damage to the road consists in the brigades being burned, and rails bent for the distance which I have named. The damage done to the Southern road was very much the same as that done to the Mobile and Ohio. The tunnel knocked in. The Mississippi and Alabama River road was destroyed in the same way as the other roads for 9 miles. The telegraph wires on the Mississippi and Alabama River road were destroyed for 9 miles, the wire in some places having been burned, a good many of the posts cut down, and a good many of the glasses broken. Upon the Mobile and Ohio road the damage to the wires was very much the same as upon the Mississippi and Alabama River road.
When I left Cuba Station, 21 miles this side of Meridian, last Wednesday morning, the wires were up from Mobile to Meridian, or within a short distance of it. Nothing, however, had been done toward repairing the lines from this place to Meridian. At Meridian I found that the enemy had burned and destroyed all of the Government houses except one house, in which a family was living. They also burned a good deal of private property, consisting of two hotels and all the stores in the place, as well as the Clarion office. In Enterprise all of the Government houses were burned, as well as a good burned. All the cotton along the road was burned.
I beg leave also to say something in regard to tories and deserters who infest Jones County and a portion of Lauderdale. The tories in Jones County made a raid upon Paulding not many days ago, about 200 strong, and carried off a good deal of corn as well as other property. They are becoming very troublesome, as well as dangerous, to the country around. In regard to the tories and deserters in Lauderdale County, I have to say that a citizen of the county, Mr. W. W. Hall, who was at one time a member of the Legislature, informed me that in the western portion of Lauderdale County, where he was just from when I saw him, there was being formed a company of men who intend joining the Federal army as soon as possible. This organization was headed by a Dr. Longmire, who lives in Garlandville, Miss. The company met while Mr. Hall was in the neighborhood at the house of man named Joe Mayberry. The enemy afraid they went stripped the people of provisions, and I am afraid that some of them will suffer.
I am, respectfully, your obedient servant,
First Lieutenant and Actg. Asst. Insp. General