Series 1, vol 32, Part 3 (Forrest's Expedition)page 770
Columbus, Miss., April 10, 1864.
Major-General Lee will move Jackson's division and Ferguson's brigade of his command into Alabama and take a position near Tuscaloosa. He will throw a part of his command up Jones' Valley, in the neighborhood of Elyton, and advance his scouts well up toward the Tennessee River so as to be informed of the enemy's situation, strength, and purposes. He will establish a line of couriers from his headquarters to some convenient point on the railroad, so as to keep department headquarters constantly informed, and will report frequently. He will constantly advise Major-General Loring of condition of things in his front. Major-General Loring of condition of things in his front. Major-General Lee will also organize expedition against the deserters and tories of North Alabama. He will arrest them and will deal with all such as may be banded together for resistance in the most summary manner.*
[T. M. JACK,]
Assistant Adjutant-General.