Series 1, vol 38, Part 4 (The Atlanta Campaign)page 381
HEADQUARTERS LEFT WING, SIXTEENTH ARMY CORPS, In the Field, near Dallas, Ga., June 1, 1864.
Brigadier General J. C. VEATCH,
Commanding Fourth Division:
From what I can learn of your position it is near Owen's Bridge. There is a road crossing the Pumpkin Vine half or three-quarters of a mile south of you that you must hold, as well as the bridge road. The trains should all be got to your rear upon Raper's Creek, near the road leading north from these headquarters. Extend your skirmish line from three-quarters of a mile to a mile toward General Sweeny's and support it strongly. I will put in the gap the First Alabama Cavalry and Ninth Illinois, which will enable us to hold it. Have your pioneers make a diagonal road to us on this side of Pumpkin Vine Creek, and endeavor to get a position for your signal officer, that he can, if possible, communicate with us. Captain McClintock will be out there in the morning early. I judge that there is nothing to the right of Sweeny in our front except cavalry,while directly in his front is a considerable force, the enemy's works being in sight. In case of a heavy attack on me, and none on you, send re-enforcements immediately, and I will see that the same is done for you. Communicate with me often. The nature of our positions require great vigilance on our part. Please send me as soon as possible a statement of your position.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Brigadier-General, Commanding.