Series 1, vol 38, Part 4 (The Atlanta Campaign) Page 447-448
SPECIAL FIELD ORDERS,HDQRS. LEFT WING, 16TH A. C., Numbers 17.Acworth, Ga., June 9, 1864.
I. This command will move to-morrow in accordance with instructions of Major-General McPherson, inclosed herewith,# the Second Division, General Sweeny commanding, having the advance. General Veatch's command will follow General Sweeny and furnish one brigade as rear guard. Trains will follow infantry column, except one wagon of ammunition to a regiment, which will follow each division. The Ninth Illinois will report to Lieutenant-Colonel Godfrey, First Alabama Cavalry, who will remain at this point until all stores belonging to the Sixteenth Corps and all teams sent for supplies arrive, which they will guard to the command.
By order of Brigadier General G. M. Dodge:
Assistant Adjutant-General.