Series 1, vol 39, Part 3 (Allatoona)Page�532
CAVE SPRING, GA., October 31, 1864.
Captain E. H. KIRLIN,
You will proceed to Rome, Ga., to-night. Instruct the regiment near Vann's Valley Post-Office to move back to the cross-roads at Ford's house, and remain there until the arrival of the supply train from Rome, or other wagons or ambulances that may now be at Rome, belonging to this command. You will move the train and guard to Cedartown, leaving the cross-roads about 10 or 11 a. m. to-morrow. You will find General Kilpatrick and get him to move in conjunction with you, and, if he can get ready soon enough, reporting to me at Cedartown. The two companies of First Alabama Cavalry will accompany you to Rome and report to Colonel Spencer.