Series 1, vol 44, Part 1 (Savannah)page 614-615
Numbers 297.
Station 7, GA., December 3, 1864.
I. Each division will detach a brigade to-morrow for the destruction of the railroad. The brigade from the Fourth Division will destroy from Station 7 three miles east. The brigade from the First Division will destroy from the end of the work assigned to the Fourth Division three miles east. The brigade from the Third Division will destroy from the end of the work assigned to the Fourth Division three miles east. The work will commence at 6 a. M., and will be complete.
The command will move as follows:
Brigadier General M. D. Leggett, commanding Third Division, will move out his command on the Savannah road at 7 a. m.
Major General J. A. Mower, commanding First Division, will be prepared to move at 8 o'clock, and will follow the Third Division.
Brigadier General G. A. Smith, commanding Fourth Division, will be prepared to move at 9 o'clock, and will follow the First Division.
The pontoon train, Lieutenant Colonel J. M. Ruck commanding, will follow the train of the Third Division.
The trains of the headquarters Military Division of the Mississippi and of these headquarters will follow the advance brigade.
II. Forage parties will be not permitted to move in advance of the column; they must keep on the flank of the command. Hereafter all stragglers and foragers found in advance of the column of infantry will be arrested and held for punishment. The pickets will be instructed not to permit foragers or stragglers to pass the lines before the column starts.
The commanding officers of the First Alabama Cavalry is instructed to arrest all stragglers moving with or in advance of his command, and report them to the corps provost-marshal.
Commanding officers of forage parties must keep their men together, and will only permit those men to separate from their commands who are left to guard or bring along forage.
This order must be strictly complied with, and violations of it will subject the offender to punishment.
* * * * *
By command of Major General F. P. Blair:
C. CADLE, Jr.,
Assistant Adjutant-General.