Series 1, vol 44, Part 1 (Savannah)page 815
SPECIAL ORDERS,HDQRS. SEVENTEENTH ARMY CORPS,Numbers 317.Savannah, GA., December 26, 1864.
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III. The review of this corps by General Sherman will take place to-morrow. The following are the orders for the movement:
1. The right of the command will rest on Gaston street, extending along Whitaker street to Hall, westwardly along Hall to West Broad street, northwardly along West Broad to Bay street, eastwardly along Bay to East Broad street, southwardly along East Broad to Liberty street, and westwardly along Liberty as far as necessary.
2. The First Alabama Cavalry will take up position on the right at 9 a. m.
3. Major General J. A. Mower, commanding First Division, will take up his position at 9 a. m., with his right resting on the First Alabama Cavalry.
4. Brigadier General M. D. Leggett, commanding Third Division, will take his position at 9. 30 o'clock, his right resting on the First Division.
5. Brigadier General G. A. Smith, commanding Fourth Division, will take his position at 10 a. m., his right resting on the Third Division.
6. Major A. C. Waterhouse will form the artillery of the corps on the left of the Fourth Division.
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By command of Major General F. P. Blair:
C. CADLE, Jr.,
Assistant Adjutant-General.