Series 1, vol 45, Part 2 (Franklin - Nashville)page 554
Steamer Tarason, Cumberland River, Louisville, Ky.:
In reply to your communication of the 23rd ultimo, I have the honor to inform you that the Fifteenth Seventeenth, Fourteenth, and Twentieth Army Corps, with the exception of the Fourth Division, Twentieth Army Corps, together with the following named artillery, cavalry, and engineer, troops accompanied Major-General Sherman's expedition to Savannah:
Artillery: Battery C, First Illinois Artillery; Fifth Wisconsin Battery; Battery 1, Second Illinois Artillery; Nineteenth Indiana Battery; Battery E, Pennsylvania Artillery, Battery C, First Ohio Artillery; Battery I, First New York Artillery, Battery M, First New York Artillery.
Cavalry: Third Indiana Cavalry, Second Kentucky Cavalry, Eighth Indiana Cavalry, Ninety-second Illinois Mounted Infantry, Ninth Ohio Cavalry, First Ohio squadron, First Alabama Cavalry, Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry, Tenth Ohio Cavalry, Third Kentucky Cavalry, Fifth Kentucky Cavalry, Ninth Michigan Cavalry, Fifty-eighth [?] Illinois Mounted Infantry, Fifth Ohio Cavalry.
Engineer Troops: First Michigan Engineers and Mechanics, Fifty-eighth Indiana Infantry.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Brigadier-General and Chief of Staff.