Series 1, vol 49, Part 1 (Mobile Bay Campaign)Page 572-573
JUNE 9, 1865- Explosion of ordnance building at Chattanooga, Tenn.
Report of Bvt. Brigadier General Charles H. Grosvenor, Eighteenth Ohio Infantry.
CHATTANOOGA, June 9, 1865.
A disastrous explosion took place here to day at about 1.30 p. m. The old brick ordnance building blew up by fire from a locomotive on the track adjoining. The fire spread and burned the two lower warehouses filled with forage. We saved the third warehouse filled with commissary, but had to remove nearly all the stores. At one time over 100 feet of the house was burning at once, and the military bridge was in momentary danger, but was saved. The loss to Government will reach $150,000 and at least ten men killed and wounded of the One hundred and eighty-sixth Ohio. One warehouse had 8,000 bales of hay. The murderous charge of gross neglect of duty made by officers and men against Captain Hogan, ordnance officer, as also the fact that be was not to be found after the first explosion, has induced me to arrest him. If half the report is true, he is a great criminal. The whole matter should be thoroughly investigated. I will make a more full report by mail to-morrow. The new ordnance depot was only saved by great labor and courage.
Brevet Brigadier-General, Commanding.
Brigadier-General WHIPPLE,
Chief of Staff.