Submitted by Jack Moore
Zachariah C. Canterbury identified himself as a 45-year-old farmer, the son of Andrew Sylvester Canterbury and his first wife, Olia Mary Ann Bolen. They were married in Marion County, Alabama near Jasper.
Zachariah testified that he was the 11th of 12 children born to Andrew and Mary, and that he was the sole survivor of those 12 children. He stated that he was born on April 12, 1845. He identified his 11 siblings as Oliver, James, William, Sarah T.E., Permelia, Elizabeth, Mary Jane, Sarah, John D., David L. Elmore, and Mollie. He said seven of the children - he did not identify which - were buried in Tuscaloosa. The 1850 Census of Marion County, Alabama, only lists only six children - Permelia, Elizabeth, Sarah, Rhoda, James and William. There is no mention of Zachariah. His age is contradicted by his step mother’s testimony.
Zachariah testified that he was 15 years (1860?) old when his mother died of smallpox in Nashville, Tennessee. He said he, too, contracted smallpox, but survived. There were four brothers alive at the time of their mother’s death, Zachariah, James, David L. and John D., but two of his brothers, David L. and John D. died "right after" their mother from smallpox. According to Zachariah’s testimony, James died in 1889.
Zachariah testified that two months after his mother died he joined his father at Huntsville and remained with him until Andrew mustered out. Zachariah was not in the Army but served as personal servant to "M" Company Commander, Capt. Lomax. (Zachariah testified the man’s name was "Romax," but Andrew’s mustering out documents and the 1st Alabama Cavalry USV roster list him as "Lomax.")
Zachariah testified that Andrew’s health the was good the first year he was with him but then Andrew came down with a cough (consumption?) And then erysipelas (a bacterial infection) in his right arm. Zachariah testified his father was treated by the regimental surgeon and never went to the hospital. Andrew stayed with his command and in his tent when he was too sick. Zachariah testified he "tented" with his father, Corp. Bias (Nathaniel Bice?) and 1st Sgt. (John G.) Blackwell.
Andrew’s health was "right bad" when he mustered out. Zachariah testified Andrew coughed and had pain in his right breast and erysipelas in his right arm and shoulder. The arm would swell "mightily inflamed" and would break out raw frequently. The erysipelas would clear up and the arm would "look well."
Andrew married Nancy Jane Croft Canterberry (sic) at Rogersville, Lauderdale County, Alabama, on Dec. 5, 1865, two and a half months after mustering out of the Union Army. Nancy was the widow of Lewis F. Canterberry, a cousin of Andrew’s, who died March 28, 1864, at the Union POW camp at Rock Island, Illinois (grave No. 941).
Nancy Jane brought four children to the marriage (by Lewis F. Canterberry), Elizabeth Ann, Poke (Polk?) Walker, George Washington and Sarah F. Nancy Jane and Andrew S. Canterbury had one child together, Mary Jane, who, as an adult, married Yeeley Little. At the time of Zachariah’s testimony the Littles lived about 4 miles south of Courtland in Lawrence County, Alabama.
Zachariah testified his father died of consumption and erysipelas in early spring of 1867 at Shoal Creek, Alabama, nine miles NE of Florence, Alabama.
Database created and maintained by Ryan Dupree.
Service records compiled by Glenda Todd and used with her permission. This and other information about the history of the First and the men who fought with the unit
can be found in her book, First Alabama Cavalry, USA: Homage to Patriotism.
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