1st Alabama Cavalry - Est. 1862
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It is with great sadness that I announce the passing of Glenda McWhirter Todd. She passed away on September 3, 2017 surrounded by her family. She was a historian, genealogist, and author who prided herself on being a descendant of Andrew Ferrier McWhirter of the 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV. Her work over the past two decades and her dedication to the 1st Alabama Cavalry has created a legacy that will last for years to come.

Her life's work has touched thousands of people through the years, and I am glad that I had the pleasure to work with her as long as I did. My hope is that her work will live on for years to come to educate and inspire a new generation.

(Or, What Kind of People Actually Do This?)

Our members come from all walks of life. Among our members are medical professionals, computer jockeys, craftsman, students, PhDs, and businessmen. We are folks who live in Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia. Some are natives of the South; others are transplants.

The thing that we all hold in common is the preservation of the history of America's greatest conflict. The Civil War determined what sort of nation we would be. The men who fought and died on both sides are deserving of our reverent and perpetual memory.

Each of us became a Civil War reenactor for his own reason. Some simply honor an ancestor. Some honor an idea. Some joined up to put an edge of reality on their book learning about the Civil War. Some joined up because it's just such a blasted fun thing to do.

We are time travelers in a sense. We go to places where time and space intersect -- where you can stand today and feel yesterday looking over your shoulder. You can see it played out in front of your eyes, hear it roaring in your ears, and smell its stench in your nostrils. When a "magic moment" reaches out and grabs you, the present falls away in a lurch and you're left standing smack in the middle of the past as it roars around you.

And at that moment, you are in the past.

And that's why we reenact -- to honor the brave soldiers on both sides who fought for what they thought was right, to learn their travails, to revel in the brotherhood of the campfire and the battlefield, and to time travel.

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