1st Alabama Cavalry - Est. 1862
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It is with great sadness that I announce the passing of Glenda McWhirter Todd. She passed away on September 3, 2017 surrounded by her family. She was a historian, genealogist, and author who prided herself on being a descendant of Andrew Ferrier McWhirter of the 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV. Her work over the past two decades and her dedication to the 1st Alabama Cavalry has created a legacy that will last for years to come.

Her life's work has touched thousands of people through the years, and I am glad that I had the pleasure to work with her as long as I did. My hope is that her work will live on for years to come to educate and inspire a new generation.

Article I
Mission Statement:

The 1st Alabama Cavalry Co. C, U.S.V., Reenactors strives to create and reenact a late Civil War dismounted Union Cavalry impression, much like the men we reenact as, as closely as possible. We also strive to teach the history of our unit, both individually and as a unit, by example and through living history, so that their memory and courage will not be forgotten. We, being members of the Division Cavalry Brigade, Inc, hereby declare that we fully agree with, and will adhere to, the rules and principals of that organization.

Article II
Company Structure:

   A. Company structure shall depend on company strength. If membership numbers are less than 40, the structure shall be 1 - Captain, 1 - First Sergeant, 3 - Corporals. If company strength grows beyond 40 members the structure shall be 1 - Captain, 1 - 2nd Lieutenant., 1 First Sergeant, 1 - Sergeant, 4 - Corporals.

   B. If company membership grows during the year beyond whatever level it is currently in, elections should be held before the annual Camp Light Horse training event, to allow the newly elected officers and NCO's to train as such at that event. All newly elected officers and NCO's will only hold these offices until the biannual company elections, when all offices will be up for election.

   C. If the company grows beyond one of the levels, and then membership declines below that level, the company will maintain rank structure it had before the decline in membership, and will adjust before the Light Horse training event, if needed.

   D. If, for any reason, a duly elected officer or NCO wishes to resign his post before his term is up, another shall be appointed by the commanding officer and ratified by a majority of the membership. If a general concensus can not be reached on an appointment, the position will be filled by a nomination and vote of the membership. All newly elected officers and NCO's will only hold these offices until the biannual company elections, when all offices will be up for election.

Article III
Membership requirements:

   A. Anyone expressing interest in joining the membership of this unit shall conform to all unit rules and regulations, shall attend and fight in at least 3 events, be willing to pay the membership dues, and be willing to purchase their own equipment. Each recruit shall be sponsored by a member in good standing. The recruit's membership may be discussed after attending at least his third event. Discussion will take place either at an event or by conference call. After group discussion, the recruit's name may then be brought for a vote either at an event where at least half of the membership is in attendance or by a vote by mail, telephone, and/or e-mail as decided by the C.O. The recruit shall gain membership by a simple majority vote.

   B. Anyone who expresses a desire to join the membership of this unit that is a member in good standing of another dismounted unit shall fight with us on at least 3 occasions and be willing to pay the membership dues is eligible for a vote. Discussion concerning his will take place either at an event or by conference call. After group discussion, the recruit's name may then be brought for a vote either at an event where at least half of the membership is in attendance or by a vote by mail, telephone, and/or e-mail as decided by the C.O. He shall gain membership by a simple majority vote.

   C. A member will no longer be considered in good standing if they are unable to attend at least one event during the reenacting season. They may be reconsidered for enrollment after participating in one event and settlement of any past debt, if applicable. After voicing a desire to rejoin the membership, a vote will be taken at an event where at least half the membership is in attendance. He shall be readmitted to the membership by a simple majority vote.

   D. A member may be discharged from service for any reason by a 3/4-majority vote of the membership. A discharge may be discussed at any event where the member's name has been brought up for a discharge. A member up for discharge may, but is not required to, explain his actions or means for correcting them.

If a member is brought up to be discharged, the commanding officer, or his designee, will make an effort to contact each member. They then have two weeks, or until the next event (whichever is less) to cast their vote. Anyone not casting a vote will be considered an abstention and their vote removed from the number of votes eligible to be cast.

A discharge shall not be used as a means of discipline, nor taken lightheartedly by the membership. It should be considered a final solution only after other means of correcting behavior deemed inappropriate by the membership have proven futile.

Article IV
Company Elections:

   A. All offices shall be up for election by majority vote on a biannual schedule. These should be held in the fall of every odd numbered year, at an event selected at the previous Light Horse, and prior to the annual Camp Light Horse training event. This will allow any newly elected officers and NCO's to train as such at that event.

   B. Any member in good standing is eligible for any office with the following exceptions: Company Commander, Sergeant, and Adjutant shall be at least 18 years of age. Corporals shall be at least 16 years of age. They shall have been members for at least most of 2 reenacting seasons.

   C. Any eligible member wishing to be elected to an office shall nominate himself for that office by August 1st of that year. The names will be written down and voted on, and be elected by a simple majority. There shall be made available, an absentee ballot so all members should have a chance to vote if they are unable to attend the election event.

Article V
Unit responsibilities:

   A. Commanding Officer:
   The C. O. shall command the unit at any event he attends. He will be responsible to set any schedule needed for that event. He will be responsible to keep the company books, unless he appoints an Adjutant. The C.O. is the unit point of contact, for event information. He, or his designee, is responsible to send out the unit any information concerning an event. He, or his designee, is responsible to register the unit for the events voted on. He is responsible for seeing that all event safety rules are followed. He is responsible for the conduct of the unit at any event the unit attends.

   B. Company Sergeant:
   The company Sergeant shall be in command of the unit at any event the C. O. cannot attend. He is responsible to carry out any orders from the C. O., and reports directly to him. He is responsible to have the company assembled at the time appointed by the C. O. He is also a unit point of contact. He is responsible for new guy drill. He is responsible to assist in safety inspections. He is responsible to see that all camp duties are taken care of He is responsible to keep up the official unit roster.

    C. Corporals:
   The senior company corporal attending any event shall carry out the duties of the company sergeant, for any event the sergeant cannot attend. Corporals are responsible for the sections, which are set at every event, and are responsible to have their sections assembled at the time appointed by the C.O. If needed, they shall assist in New Guy drill. It shall be the responsibility of the section leaders to see to the new recruits in their section.

   D. Adjutant:
   The Adjutant may be appointed at the C.O.'s Discression to assist the unit with bookkeeping duties. His duties may include keeping the company books, sending out event information to the unit, registering the unit for events voted on, assisting the Sergeant in keeping the official unit roster, or other duties assigned to him by the C.O. The Adjutant will hold the rank of Corporal and will be responsible for the duties assigned to that rank.

   E. Privates:
   Shall be responsible to follow all reasonable orders of those above him in rank.

Article VI

   A. Dues will be set annually by a meeting of the membership at the Light Horse training event. Dues shall be due at that event. All dues shall be considered late after the second event of that calendar year. If a member chooses not to pay his dues, his name shall be stricken from the active list. That member shall be readmitted upon settlement of his debt.

   B. Event Registration Payment:
   The C. O. shall make an effort to notify the rank and file of all events that require a registration shall be the responsibility of every trooper to pay his own way. If an event requires a registration fee before the event, the C.O. or his designee will contact each member to see if they will be attending. The C.O. will inform each member on the cost of that event. Any member that wishes to go to an event that requires payment before the event will remit payment to the C.O. or his designee prior to the payment deadline set by the C.O. If a trooper expresses interest in going to a paid event, pays his fee, and fails to attend said event, no refund will be given to the trooper unless a replacement trooper can be found. It is then the replacement's responsibility to pay the fee.

Article VII

The unit shall vote on the year's schedule at the annual Camp Light Horse training event. A list of possible events will be compiled from available sources by the C.O. or his designee. Unit events shall be selected by a vote of the unit members in good standing. A simple majority will determine votes. Any event making the unit schedule shall be considered a maximum effort event.

Article VIII
Rules of Engagement:

   A. Each trooper shall make every effort to purchase their own period correct uniforms, clothing, accouterments or equipment within a reasonable amount of time. This shall include all items that trooper should want to use on a regular basis. It shall be the responsibility of any recruit to make his own arrangements to borrow whatever he needs, if he needs to, and see that it is returned. It is also recommended that any trooper having a recruit, help in the first few times of borrowing, at least until he learns some names, and to set an example to those who will follow.

   B. Any reenactor who would like to fall in with us at an event, shall attend recruit training, and drill with the unit on the day of the fight in question. If a member can vouch that the reenactor has fought dismounted, that reenactor can be exempted from recruit training. He must still participate in unit drill. If a reenactor is not willing to follow these guidelines, he will not be allowed to fight with us on the day in question.

   C. All members, recruits, and stragglers wishing to participate in battle with the unit will be required to drill with the unit on the day of the fight in question. The C.O. may exercise executive privileges and exempt anyone from unit drill as he safely deems necessary.

Article IX

These by-laws may be revised or amended by a 2/3 vote of the membership in good standing. Proposed revisions should be submitted to the C. O., and it shall be his responsibility to bring these up for discussion. The proposals, after all members in good standing receive a copy of the proposed amendment, will be brought up for a vote. These may be taken either in person, by telephone, or by mail and/or e-mail as decided by the C.O.

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