1st Alabama Cavalry - Est. 1862
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It is with great sadness that I announce the passing of Glenda McWhirter Todd. She passed away on September 3, 2017 surrounded by her family. She was a historian, genealogist, and author who prided herself on being a descendant of Andrew Ferrier McWhirter of the 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV. Her work over the past two decades and her dedication to the 1st Alabama Cavalry has created a legacy that will last for years to come.

Her life's work has touched thousands of people through the years, and I am glad that I had the pleasure to work with her as long as I did. My hope is that her work will live on for years to come to educate and inspire a new generation.

1st Alabama Cavalry Roster
This is a static list of the men who served in the 1st Alabama Cavalry. You may find it long and difficult to use. Please try using our Searchable Roster for better results.
Israil P Abbott Lewis W Abbott
David D Abbott (Abbitt) John Abernathy
John Abner William T (or J) Abner
Francis O Adair Jasper N Adair
Nathan Adair James M Adams
James M Adams John Q Adams
Levi Adams William C Adams
William C Adams James B Aiken
John Aiken W. T. Aiken
Gideon A Akers Meredith T Akers
William C Aldrich Henry Aldridge
Jeremiah Alexander Jackson Alford
Jonathan K Allison Jasper M.C. Allison/Alerson
David H Alvis Franklin Alvis
G. A. Alvis Henry S Alvis
William J Alvis John W (W.M.C.) Amason/Anderson
William P Anders Charles Anderson
Lee M Anderson Samuel Anditon
William A Andors/Andoes George W Anglin
William/John H (C) Anthoney/Anthony C Appleton
William C Arick William L Armor
Levin Armsted James M Armstrong
William Armstrong Asbury B Arnold
M J Arrick John Arst
James Arthur A Aston
John R Atkerson/Atkinson Martin Atkins
William C Atkins John Atwell
Bryant Austin Jasper Austin
Jesse W Austin John R Austin
Sanders Austin William T Autry
B F Backard Andrew J Baggett
Drury B Baggett James W Baggett
William F Baggett George M Bailey
Alfred A.D. Bain John D.H. Bain
Henry M Baker Peter Baker
R Baker William H Baker
William J Baker John W Bakerstaff/Bickerstaff
William B Baley Albert I (J) Ballard
George W Ballard Levi G Ballard
William H Ballew I M Bangers
Michael Bardon Charles F Barker
Thomas J Barker William M Barker
John Barlett Morgan C Barnes
Willaim Barnes William Barnet
James Barnett James W Barnett
Job Barnett Lewis Barnett
Robert Barnett Thomas Barnett
Joseph M Barran/Barren George L Barraun
Thomas A Barren William Barren
Wiley J Barren/Barron George W Barrett
Rion Bartholomew Gilford M Barton
James A Barton John Barton
John Barton Jonathan Marion Barton
Madison Mathew Barton William H Barton
Andrew G Baswell/Basnell/Boswell Hamilton S Bates
John Bates Stephen Bates
William C Bates William T Batey/Battey
John A Baty James P Baugh
John N Baughn Joseph B Baulch
Richard Baxter William R Baxter
Thomas C Bayne John Beach
Hugh L Beachum Alfred Beard
George R Beard John Beard
Robert E Beard Thomas F Beasley
William Beasley William M Beasley
William Beaver Charles W Belcher
S Belford Francis Bell
James T Bell James Bell
John Bell Robert Bell
Nathan P Bellamy William Bennett
George W Benson/Besow James A Bergin
Doctor M Berry Elijah Berry
James M Berry Samuel Berry
William Berry ylvester S Berry
William R.A. Berryhill William J Bess
Nathaniel Bice John C Bice/Brice/Price
Simeon Biddel Thomas Billings
John A Bird Milton M Birdsong
Henry Birt Calvin Bishop
Columbus Bishop David H Bishop
Francis M Bishop James M Bishop
Robert W Bishop J Black
William A Black Andrew J Blackburn
Thomas H Blackstock William H Blackstock
John G Blackwell Alfred Blakeney
James M Blalock C Blanchard/Blancitt
Robert S Blankenship William W Blankenship
Zephemiah/Zeffeniah H Blankenship Jessie Blankinship
William C Blaylock/Blalock Armstead E Blevins
Dillard Blevins Jacob Jonathan Blevins
John Blevins John Blevins
Nathaniel Blevins William Blevins
Charles W Bodkins/Botkins Augustus M Bolding
Thomas J Bolding Wyley V Bolding
Ozias D Boling William C Boling/Bolin
John Bolton Hugh L Bolton/Balton
James Bone William W Booker
Abel Bookout John W Boon
George Booth Francis M Borden
Borolin William F Bostic
Gabriel Lee Bourland Archie Bowen/Boen
William Bowland William Bowlin/Bowling/Bolen
Isaac V Bowman Lorenzo D Bowman
Robert B Bowman Francis E Box
W Boxley George Boxley/Bolley
Doctor Tandy Boyd Elisha F Boyd
Joseph Boyd Tillman/Tilmon S Boyd
Thomas Henry Boyer/Bowyer Samuel Bradley
Barton Bramley/Bromley/Brumley William M Branen/Branan/Bramman
Andrew Branhan William Brannan
James M Brantley James Brasswell
J B Braswell Stephen S Bray
William H Bray Sanders Brewer
William Brewer James N.R. Brigman
Moses Brigman William S Britnell
John Britton N H Britton
Peter Brodigan Charles J Brogden
Claborne Brogdon Riley Y Bromley/Brumley
George W Brooks Henry F Brooks
James L Brooks John C Brooks
John W Brooks John A Brooks
J A Bross Elijah Brown
George S Brown George S Brown
George W Brown George L Brown
John Brown John Brown
M V Brown Mewwil Brown
Robert M Brown Robert K Brown
Spencer R Brown William Brown
William E Brown William G Brown
William M Brown William Brown
J L Brumly Larkin J Brumly
David A Brunson/Bronson William H Brunson/Bronson
Henry Bryant J H Bryant
John A Bryant Thomas S Buchanan
John H Buford Stanfield Buford
Jerry Buford/Biford Robert Bullen
Robert Bullen William C Bullen
David A Bumper William H Bumper
J B Bunders Thomas J Burd
John H Burden Frank Cortez Burdick
Burleston James M Burleston/Burlison
Peyton Burnett Francis A Burney/Barny
James L Burns Perry/Berry Burns
John Burrell William H Burrough
H Burton H H Butler
John C Butler Napoleon/Nathan B Butler
Nathan H Butler William J Butler
John H Byars/Byers William A Byars/Byers
Joseph P Byers Robert J Byers
Samuel P Byers Perry Byford/Biford
Quiller J Byford/Biford Willaim T.C. Byram
H H Byrd Josephus Byrd
M C Byrd Marshal H Byrd
William R Byrd John T.C. Byrone
B Byrum Cavaller/Cavileer/Cowden H Byrum
Noah D Byrum W Byrum
William A Byrum Madison Cabaniss
Obediah Cabaniss Kinard A Cadle
Charles B Cagh Albert S Cagle
David Crockett Cagle Enoch Cagle
James R Cagle James Cagle
James Cain William Cain
Jonathan Calvert Ralphord Calvert
Alexander T Cameron James C Cameron
Alfred B Camp William Anderson Camp
William M Camp William H Campbeill
Adam Campbell Alexander Campbell
Andrew J Campbell Andrew J Campbell
Andrew J Campbell George B Campbell
John R Campbell William Campbell
John H Canada/Canady Isaac A Canady/Canada
Andrew S Canterbury/Canterberry Daniel C Cantrell
Dennis C Cantrell George D Cantrell
James H Cantrell John S Cantrell
Moses B Cantrell Reuben Cantrell
William Cantrell Thomas K Cape
William R Carnelius Frazier E Carpenter
Anderson Bailey Carroll James K.P. Carroll
Andrew Carter James T Carter
John Carter Samuel L Carter
Asberry/Asbury cartwright John Caruthers
Thomas L Case Francis M Cash
James H Casteel David Castleberry
Solomon Castleberry Robert B Castlebury/Castleberry
John Cathey John H Caugh
Daniel R Caughorn/Caughren Thomas C Cayne
John H Chafin William M Chafin
Andrew J Chambers Baily/Bailey Y/G Chambers
Isaac J Chambles James M Chambles
Elisha Chambles/Chambers James M Chamness
Erasmus D Chandler Alexander Chaney
Artemus Chaney John Chaney
Joseph A Chapman James K. Polk Chastain
George M Cheak Edmund/Elijah S Cheek
Elisha Cheek Samuel M Cheek
N Cheney William H Cheney
David D Chestaine/Chastain Samuel Childers
M/W Childress Chowley
W D Clannahan Daniel C Clark
George W Clark John W Clark
Martin Clark John M Clayton
William D Clearman Lewis Clemen
Harvey Clement William C Clement
Curtis Clements Peter Clements
Phillip/Phillippe O/J Clements Smith Z/L Clements
Edward Clements/Clemens Jacob H Cline
Andrew J Cloar William H Clutter
Alexander Cobb I M Cobb
Edward J Cobleigh James Headley Coburn/Cabit/Cobit
Levi Cochran Charles Cock
Charles C Cock I Cock
Jerimiah D Cock Edward D Coe
Robert R Coffman David R Cohorn
John R Cole Edward Coleman
Thomas C/M Coleman Allen Collier
George W Collier Squire Collier
Christopher C Collins Volney B Collins
J R Coltman James H Colton
Stephen N Colwell/Caldwell John W Con/Crow
Andrew J Conaway John E Conaway
L Connelin Lewis E Conner/Comer
Marion/Martin Connor Charles J Cook
Daniel L Cook George L Cook
James Cook Riley P Cook
Thomas K Cook William W Cook
Enoch C Cooksey Martin L Cooksey
John H Cooly/Cooley James C Cooner
James Mack Cooper James M Cooper
William W Corgan J/I H Corghanny
Hollis M Corley W Cormich
Cargell Cornelius Zion Cornelius
Henry Cossett George W Cothern
Joel A Cothern William R Cothern
Benjamin Couch Jesse R Coughman
John A Counce George W Cowen/Cowan
Jefferson M Cox Mordecai M Cox
William P Crabb Francis L Cramer
Levi Crandell John F Crawford
Samuel A Crawford W H Crawford
William L Crawford James D Crawford/Cranford Jr.
James D Crawford/Cranford Sr. Brison C Creekmore
John T Creel/Creal Joshua D Creel/Creal
William Crittenden James D Crocker
John Y Crocker John W Cross
John D Crow William R Crowley
Thomas Crumbley William W Crumbly
James P.W. Cunningham Elijah Cupples
Henry Curtis Isaac R Curtis
George W Dagger Green Daily/Dailey
William Daughtery David
Adam A Davis Archibald M Davis
Arthur Davis Bird Davis
Charles M Davis Charles Davis
Christopher C Davis George W Davis
Henry/Harvy H Davis James Davis
Jeremiah/Jesse B Davis Jesse Davis
Joseph H Davis Mason Davis
Robert Davis Thomas P Davis
Willaim Davis William J Davis
William Wallace Davis William T Davis
William Davis William Davis
William W Davis William Davis
George W Davlin Lewis N Dawson
Enos Day F Day
Gardner C Day James H Day
Lionel W Day Richard B Day
William J Dean James Deaton
David M Delk James W DeVaney
J Devine John P Deweese
James Dickenson/Dickinson Rufus B Dickenson/Dickinson
George W Dickinson John H Dickinson
Benjamin F Digby Thomas L Dikes/Dykes
James Dill James T Dillard
Smith Dillard William Dillard
John Dillinger/Billinger William Dixon
Franklin Dobb Benjamin P Dobson
John Dodd John Dodd
Wyatt N Dodd Ozro J Dodds
John W Dodson Michael Donner
Francis M Doss William G Douthet/Douthit
Thomas Downing William T Downum
James H Downum/Donnum/Donner William Doxon
Joseph C Doyle John T Duckett
Dean Dudley K H Dugan
Richard S Dugan J Dumick
John W Duncan Francis Wayland Dunn
Fred T Dunn John Dunn
Joseph F Dunn William Dunn
William D Dunn John Durm
William Dwyer James B Eakins
John Eakins Robert Eakins
William T Eakins David Earnest
Daniel Earp James M East
Lewis Cass Eaton Monroe Eaton
Dudley F Eaves John Edgil
Emanuel Edmonds Alonson W Edwards
James Edwards Francis C Elkins
William J Elkins Samuel Elliott
Charles Ellis Isaac R Ellis
Loranzo D Ellis William J Ellison
George Emerich John Emmerson/Emerson
George W Emrich/Emerick Francis Marion England
John W Entrican Sanford J Epperson
William C Ernest Francis D Ernest/Earnest
William L Estell Edmund R Evans
William C Evins James Ezell
Thomas L Ezell William B Fagans
Micajah F Fairfield Simon Farmer/Foman
Frank Faulkner William Faulkner
William J Feamster Isom/Isham B Feltman
Benjamin F Feltman/Felpman Abraham Felton
Enos T Fielder John N Fielder
Isaac Fields William Fields
James L Files Jerimiah F Files
Jesse L Files Jesse Files
John Files Thomas B Files
Francis M Finch Thomas W Finerty/Finnerty
James Finley O Fish
Oliver H Fishback Pleasant P Fisher
Thomas J Fisher John C Fitzpatrick
Andrew P Flannagan Mortimer R Flint
Francis M Flippor John A Floyd
William D Floyd James Fonsh
James A/N Ford John A Ford
Joseph Ford Joseph M Ford
Michael D Ford Richmond Ford
Thomas Ford William Ford
Israel Forest Thomas Forest
Elijah Forman John T Forrester
John Forrister Thomas J Forsythe
William D Fortner John Foster
Samuel M Foster John M Foust/Forest
Israel Fowler James Fowler
L Fowler Samuel B Fowler
William Fowler William N Fowler
Samule C Frambers Peter Frankes
R J Franklin James M Franks
Jeremiah/Jerry Franks William Franks
W H Freehour Benjamin F Freeman
John Freeman John Freeman
Robert D Freeman French
William N Fresham Esby Fretwell
William W Fretwell Samuel C Froshour
Christopher S Frost J H Fry
Thomas W Fry Christopher C Funderburk
J C Furguson Elmore Furth
Calvin M Gaddy Stephen H Gaddy
G W Gaggers David J Gailey
Charles W Gaines Ralph Gains
Jason Galaway John Galbraith
John Gallion Jason J/C Gallowa
J C Galloway Joseph E Gammill
G Gammville David Gann
G W Gann Smith W Gann
Newton E Gann/Gan David F Ganns
David J Ganns/Gans James Gardner
John Gardner John Q.A. Gardner
William Gardner Dorsey Garrett
James Garrett Johnathan Gay
William R Gay Robert Gaylor
John Gean Wiley R/F Gean
William R Gean J J Gear
John L Gentry William Day George
D Gerrings William H Ghist
Anderson Gibbs John W Gibbs
Jackson E Gibson John H Gibson
John Gibson M Gibson
Richard B Gibson William R Gibson
George W Gilberth James M Gilbreath
David C Gillim/Gilliam Benjamin F Ginn
W F Gird Sidney C Gist
William Glascow William Glascow
Elisha Glass George W Glenn
James F Glenn John W.F. Glenn
Mathew H Glenn James H Glenn/Gleen
Silas J Glover William J Glover
William Glover George L Godfrey
John J Godsey Robert A Godsey
James A Godwin Samuel J Godwin
Henry K Godwin/Goodwin William T Goff
Meridith Goggiss/Gargis Doctor Going
William A Good William Good
James Goode John M Goode
James A Goodwin Jas A Goodwin
William T Goof W Gordon
Samuel J Gordon/Garden Samuel Gorley
Lorenzo M Gortney Marion Gortney
Allen L Goss N Gown
Nathan P Grace Henry H Granger
William H Granger James Granville
Benjamin Graves Ralph Graves
William T Gray William/Thomas T/William Gray
Elijah C Green Jasper N Green
John B Green John J Green
Joseph Green Robert Green
Samuel Green Samuel Green
William R Green William G.B. Green
William Green William Green
John Greenhaw Franklin Griffin
John Griffin Rufus M Griffin
William Griffin Green L Griffith
William R Grimes Francis C Grimmit/Grimmett
James Grinnel Green Washington Grisham
Patterson Groves William C Guess
James P Guice Asa Guin
Jason Guin Levi Guin
Michael Guin Rasey Guin
Gundney Simeon Gunn
Charles A Gurley William Guthery
William E Guthery Isaac Guthery/Guthrie
John Guthery/Guthrie Marion M Guthery/Guthrie/Guttery/Guthrey
David Guthrey James Guthrey
Calvin Guthrie G W Guthrie
George W Guthrie Henry Guthrie
Lemon/Damon Guthrie Robert L Guthrie
Seborn Guthrie William B Guthrie
B Guthry Jacob J Guthry
John W Guthry Benjamin F Guttery
Henry Guttery Henry Guttery
Robert Guttery William Guttery
Enoch M Guyse George W Guyse
Mansfield Hagood William J Halaway
Wiseman Halcomb/Holcomb Archibald Jones Halden/Holden
David B Halderman Nathaniel Hale
Nephthali D Hale Alexander P Hall
Henry J Hall Pinkney D Hall
Richard W Hall Samuel M Hall
Thomas J Hall W H Hall
William H Hall William A Hall
William H Hall/Hull J/I H Halley
Azel T Hallmark George W/N Hallmark
James Washington Hallmark John Madison Hallmark
Thomas Frank Hallmark Thomas Hallmark/Halmark
Joab Hally James F Ham
H H Hamilton Haton/Haden M Hamilton
Riley Hamilton William Hamilton
William R Hamilton Clement/Clemand A Hammer
Hugh Hammill Robert B Hammock
John A Hammond Robert Hammonds
S Hamon Allen Hampton
Joseph Hampton Miles Hampton
William H Hampton James Hanley
James A Hanson John H Harbin
Charles Hill Harbison David Harbison
Matthew Davis Harbison Pleasant M Harbison
John L Harden Henry Hardy
James C Hardy John C Hardy
Joseph H Harper Josiah/James Harper
Robert Harper Tennessee Polk Harper
Anderson B Harris Andrew Jackson Harris
Francis C Harris M Harris
Martin V Harris N J Harris
V Harris William W Harris
John S Harrison William F Harry
J H Hart Hugh Hartgraves
Warren Harville/Harvel Robert S Hatfield
Jackson Hawkins John A Haws
Evon E Haygood John W Haynes
Mansfield Hays William Head
William M Healy Andrew J Heathcock
James M Heathcock James M Heatherly/Heatherby
John W Heatherly/Heatherby Robert M Hefley
James H Hefner William H Hefner
James Helton James/John D/E Helton
Thomas A Hemby/Hamby John Henaon
George Henderson George Henderson
Henry H Hendon Jonathan H Hendon
Robert H Hendon Joseph Hendricks
Moses J Hendricks/Hendrix Eli W Hendrix
G S Henis U L Henis
James Henley Peter Henry
William Henry John R Henry, Jr.
Andrew T Henson Eli Henson/Hanson
J H Herndon James M Herndon
James M Herndon/Hurneton/Hernet David Herron/Herrin
James Herron/Herrin William A Hewett
William Hide Andrew J Higgins
William A Higgins William Higgins/Haggins
John D Hightower Marion D Hightower
Monroe Hightower Wilburn Hightower
Francis M/A/H Hill I/J M Hill
Joel S Hill John F Hill
Richard G Hill Silas W Hill
John M/N Hillis/Phillips Jerome J Hinds
Joseph M Hinds Hinell
R Hinley Benjamin F Hobgood
Nathan D Hobson Charles W Hodges
Robert R Hoffman Henry L Hoffman/Huffman
John A Hogan John H Hogan
William Hohns James A Holcomb/Hallcomb
Archibald J Holden Aaron Holermon/Holermier
Andrew J Holland John Holland
Hardy M Holley James D Holley
John N Holley Pinkney Holley
Pleasant Holley William S Holley
Samuel Hollingsworth Isaac "Isiah" W Holloway/Halloway
James Holly/Hilly/Kelly Garnet Holmes
J A Holmes James R Holmes
John M Holmes Joseph Holmes
Andrew J Holt Jasper C Holt
Oziah N Holt Peter F Holt
Richard Holt Samuel M Holt
William D Holt William J Homan/Homen/Homes
Andrew J Homan/Homen/Homes/Haman M Homes
David A/H Hood David A Hood
Dennard Hood John Hood
John Hood John W/M Hood
Richard Hood William W Hood
John A Hooker/Hooks Anderson Horn
Joseph H Hornbeck/Hornback William H Horton
Isaac M Hot S T Houston
Jno Hovel E F Howard
Edward Howard William P Howard
Marcus Howell William C Howell
Levi H Huddleston Ephraim Hudson
James B Hudson Joseph Huey
Thomas Huey Elias Huff
David M Hughes Eli P Hughes
George R Hughes George S Hughes
I/J Hughes John B Hughes
Huld John L Humphry/Humphries
James T Hunt William T/F/A Hunt
Henry C Hunter John Hunter
Thomas T Hunter Billington Sanders Hurst
Samuel B Hurst Joseph Hutchingson
Aaron Hutto Holland W Hyde
Jesse Daniel Hyde/Hide William Hyde/Hide
Robert H Hyfield John W Inghram
Murray Ingle Peter Ingle
William Ingle James J Ingram
Arthur Inman Henderson Inman
Henry Inman John Inman
John M Irby Joseph A Irby
Edward F Irven/Irvin Benjamin F Irwin
Charles V Ivey Young M Ivey
Alfred Jackson Benjamin F Jackson
Emmanuel Jackson Joseph Jackson
Joseph M Jackson Nicholas W Jackson
Samuel H Jackson Stith Jackson
William A Jackson William H Jackson
Benjamin F Jaggers George W Jaggers
James W Jaggers Francis H James
James/Jefferson H James Jesse James
Joseph James William H James
William F James William R James
James Jarrett James Jarvett
Jason John Rufus Jefferson
John Jeffryes George C Jenkins
John Jester Joseph Jester
Isaac Jett James M Jett
James Jett John Jett
Ambros Jobe Presley D Jobe
Thomas John Adrian Johnson
Alex J Johnson C Johnson
Christopher C Johnson Columbus W Johnson
Ephraim/Ephriam Johnson G Johnson
George W Johnson Henry Johnson
Jacob C Johnson James P Johnson
James W Johnson James/John Johnson
John Johnson John B Johnson
John Johnson Joseph Johnson
Leonard S Johnson Mitchell/Michell C Johnson
Moses L Johnson N Johnson
Noah Johnson Robert B Johnson
Robert Johnson Ruben G Johnson
Samuel Johnson Thomas Johnson
Wiley L/S Johnson William Johnson
William Johnson William Johnson
William Johnson William Johnston
Columbus S Jones Enoch D Jones
Franklin R.W. Jones George W Jones
J Jones Jackson J Jones
James/John F Jones Jefferson Jones
Jeremiah B Jones John W Jones
John B Jones John R Jones
Joshua A Jones Mathew Jones
McDonald Jones Sydney A Jones
T Jones Thomas H Jones
W Jones William G.T. Jones
William R Jones William M Jones
William H.F. Jones William A Jones
William B Jones William F Jones
George Jordan John A Jordan
John/Jas. S Jordon Joseph J Jordon/Jordan
William T Jordon/Jourdan James Keith
M Keith Lewis Kelley
Samuel G Kelley William M Kelley
Benjamin/Frank F/W Kellogg George W Kellogg
Alford M Kelly William/(J. W.) Kemp
Elisha E Kendricks Russell L Kenedy/Canada
Artemus Kennedy James J Kennedy
Simpson W/C Kennedy William S Kennedy
George W Key William Kidwell
Elijah A Kilburn George Kilgo
Thomas R Kilgore James M Killingsworth
William Kilpatrick J/(Jas)/(Joseph) H/(W) Kimbrough
John B Kimbrough William A Kindrick
B/(Benjamin) P King Berryman King
John King John King
Livingston B King Samuel D King
Thomas A King William F King
William King Samuel J Kingsley
William Kingsley William J Kingsley
Samuel S Kirkendall Jefferson W/(N) Kirkland
Thomas P Kirkman William F Kirkman
S H Knabb Benjamin P Knight
James J Knight Pinkney L Knight
David/Daniel J Knighton Joseph J Knighton
Thomas J Lacefield John W Ladfred
William T Lagett Elisha Lake
Wiley J Lake Hiram M Lambert
J Lambert James Lambert
John Lambert Joseph Lambert
Techer Lambert Walton E Lambert
William J Lambert Wilson Lambert
Benjamin F Lanair Stith J Landtroop
William M Lanker Alexander J Lankford
John Lansan Michael/Mickael Lansford
John Latty Alexander Lawrence
James Lawrence William F.A. Lawrence
William A Lawrence Elisha R Lawrence/Laurence
Patmon Lawson Hardy C Lay
Lewis A Lay Robert Lay
Thomas H Lay William C Leadford
Jesse L Leavens J M Leay
George W Lee James E Lee
William Lees Jeremiah A Leesmith
James Lemmons Michael Lennard
Lent Abraham J Lentz
John P Lentz H C Lenyard
P Lerock Abijah H Lewis
Hosea H Lewis Isaiah Lewis
Jasper Lewis Noah Lewis
Peter Lewis Prior Lewis
William W Lewis David C Light
Jonathan Lindley William Lindley
Hiram Lindsey/Lindsay Irving Lindsey/Lindsay
John Lindsey/Lindsay Martin L Lindsey/Lindsay
William R Lindsey/Lindsay John Linley
James R Linley/Lindley Thomas Linley/Lindley
C Little James E Little
P Little Aaron Livingston
Thomas J Lockhart/Lockhard Lemuel Loftis
Alexander Logan Andrew Logan
Andrew J Logan David Logan
James M Logan John C Logan
Preston Logan Robert H Logan
Robert GW Logan White Logan
William G Logan Charles C Loggins
John Lomax William M Lomax
John Long Anderson M Looney
Goulder/Goolder Losson/Lawson George W Lott
Simeon H Lott Jerry Lovell
Andrew J Lovett Archibald B Lovett
Ashley H Lovett John Lovey
William W Lovoon/Lovin Hudson Low
James C Lowery/Lowry James Lowrimore
Jesse Lowrimore John Lowrimore
Thomas J Lowrimore William G Lowrimore
William P Lowrimore William W Lowry
Uriah D Lucas James N Lukins
Thomas W Lukins G Lumens
Nathan M Lumley/Lumly I/J Lurtey
J M Lyang Little T Mabry
Alberry W Mabry/Mayberry James P Mabry/Mayberry
James Mace Josiah Mack
Green B Madison James K Madison
James A Madison John/James Madison/Mattison
Richard L Magen/McGaugh/McGane Alexander Mahan
Henry Mahan G Mai
James Maise John Malany
John B Mallard Hugh R Maloy
John Mandly/Manly Daniel Maness
George S Mangrum Henry C Manker
James J Manscil/Mansil James R Manuel
William Marbry Joseph H Mark
Daniel Martin James Martin
Jessie B Martin John Martin
John M Martin Joseph R Martin
Lewis Martin Lewis W Martin
Nathaniel G Martin Thomas E Martin
James Massey Thomas C/R Massey
Daniel H Master George F Masters
John H Masterson James Mathews
Jessie Mathis I/J Matterso
Kenneth/Hunith D Mattison Henry P Mattox
William Mauldin Charion Hopkins Mayfield
Milton L Mayfield Reed C Mayfield
Thomas R Mayfield William H Mayfield
George Maze Jasper McAlilison
James W McAlister James McAller
T McAlroy James S/L McArthur
James H McBride Richard McCain/McKain
Thomas McCall Thomas J McCall
Felix T McCarver Isaac A McCarver
James McClellan Riley McClellan
Vinyard McClung Joseph McClusky
Nelson A McCreadie William A McCreless
John M/C McCron/McKleroy/McCroy Andrew J McCroy/McEleroy/McLeroy
Leroy M McCulloch Samuel McCulloch
Thomas D McCulloch Joseph E McCullough
Thomas E McDade Virgil McDavitt
Leonard B McDonald Miles H McDonald
William McDonald William B McDonald
Felix McElroy Thompson McElroy
Gille W McGaha William C McGaha/Gaha
James B McGanghey Joseph McGough
James Aumbers McGowen John McHallis
McHimes Alfred McKemieMcKamie
James McKinney Thomas J/P McKinney
Amos McKinney/McKenna John McKnabb/McKnable
Robert W McLarty William A McLarty
Birdwell McMunn Jacob R McMurrey
Henry C McQuiddy William A McRae
John H McRay John H McRay
Riley McVay Joseph A McVey
McWasher Andrew Ferrier McWhirter
George W McWhirter Thomas A McWhirter
A J McWhorter/McWhirter McWorkman
Daniel McWorkman Malin/Melan/Matan McWright
James H Meadows H J Medicks
James P Medlin J J Meeker
Johnathan/Jonathan Mellen Charles D Melton
William H Melton David E Meradith
Robert Merritt Henry AJ Messer
Jessie Messer John W Messer
William Messer J L Michales
J S Michls George T Mickle
J F Mickle Thomas F Mickle
Jessie Milam Benjamin R Miles
William H Miles William W Miles
Woodruff Miles James M Miligan
John Miller John Miller
Mark S Miller Rilley Miller
William Milligan William K Milligan
William W Milligan Jefferson M Milliner
J B Milling J/I M Millins/Mullins
Britton/R L/S Mills Jonathan Mills
Jonathan R Mills Simeon Mills
Stephen H Mills Zacharia Mills
Jesse M Milum E L Minton
Andrew D Mitchell David Mitchell
Eldon/Elden C Mitchell Ephraim Mitchell
Francis/Frank M Mitchell Henry F Mitchell
John Mitchell John A Mitchell
John C Mitchell John D Mitchell
Leroy P Mitchell Logan B Mitchell
Lorenzo Mitchell Samuel M Mitchell
Samuel M Mitchell Thomas Mitchell
William Mitchell William H Mitchell
Isaac Mize James R Mize
O/P B Monahan Perry D Monroe
Thomas Montgomery Samuel Moody
George W Mooney Henry Mooney
I/J Mooney Peter C Mooney
Dallas H Moore Elie Moore
Hamilton K Moore Hansel E Moore
J Moore James Moore
James M Moore John Moore
John G Moore John P Moore
Samuel P Moore William R Moore
William B Moore/Moon E P Moore/More
John H Morbin John Morgan
Nathaniel Morgan Fleet J Morphis
James K Morphis G Morris
George Morris J N Morris
James D Morris John D Morris
Joseph D Morris Richard N Morris
Samuel J Morris W H Morris
W G Morris William B Morris
Phillip Morris/Norris John G Morrison
John Morrow Thomas J Morrow
Frank Morton James F/M Morton
James H Morton W C Mosher
John L Moss Joseph L Moss
George F Motes/Moatis Josiah Mott
James B Mullins John H Mullins
Marcus L/D Mullins Albert E Murdock
William Murdock Charles Murphey
James M Murphree James H Murphree
Joseph/John J Murphree William B Murphy
James DD/PD Murphy/Murphee Joseph Murphy/Murphree
William P Murphy/Murphree William M Murphy/Murphree
Nathan B Muse Howell Myers
Samuel Myers Samuel M Myers
Thomas L Myers John Myrick
Patrick Nagle Julius/Julian Nail
Andrew J Nanny William B Napps
Charles B Neal Duncan Neal
Green P Neal James M Neal
J W Neehard William Neighbors/Nabors
George W Neil T Neil
William Neiley Barrow D Nelson
John Nelson Thomas M Nelson
Alexander Nesmith Jeremiah A Nesmith
John B Nesmith William A Nesmith
Clay Newland Hugh Newland
Benjamin T/F Newman G E Newton
William J/G Nibblett Alfred Nichols
Arthur S Nichols Benjamin B Nichols
David L Nichols Edward Nichols
Isaac J Nichols Jacob L Nichols
James F Nichols Jasper N Nichols
Joab S Nichols Larry L Nichols
P S Nichols Stephen H Nichols
General Morgan Nichols/Nicholas Bill Nigger
T C Nine William Nix
John T Noles George W Noris
Cicero Norman George W Norris
J Norris Reuben Norris
William H Norris William Y Norris
Phillip Norris/Morris Daniel L Norwood
Samuel Norwood Robert Noy
Francis M Null James Nutty
Andrew J Oden Hezekiah Oden
John A Oden William D Oden
William J Oden William N Oden
Daniel O'Linger Gabriel Olson
Madison J Orick William C Orick
William Osborn Fountain William S Osborn/Ozbin
George Washington Lafayette Osborn/Ozbin Elick/Alex Osborne
Charles Francis Marion Osburn/Ozbirn Newton Hubbard Osburn/Ozbirn
William L Osburn/Ozbirn Daniel O'Singer
John KP Overton William H Overton
George T Owen John Owens
John T Owens Andrew J Pace
Gideon W Pace Tandis W Pace
William R Pace R Packard
M Page R G Page
Thomas C Page William C Page
Joseph M Palmer Jonathan Pannel/Pennel
Jeremiah J Pannell William Pannell
Richard Panter/Painter Rufus Panter/Painter
Noah Paris James R/K Parish
Ambrose Park John F Park
Madison G Park Charles Parker
Henry H/N Parker Isaac AJ Parker
James Parker John A Parker
John H Parker P S Parker
Pleasant A/L Parker Sevier C Parker
William C Parker William C Parker
William M Parker Richard Parkerson
LL Parkes Luther M Parkhill
William L Parkhill Jno B Parnett
J R Parson Raymond Parson
James W Parton Francis Patrick
William Patrick David Patterson
James M Patterson John Patterson
T Patterson William A Patterson
James S Payne Thomas C Payne
William C Payne James Peak
Samuel Peak William W Peak
David A Pease Henry C Peek
John SM Peers/Pierce C Pell
William Pell James Pell/Pill
F Penn George W Penn
James Penn John B Penn
Pleasant Penn Richard Penn
Stephen W Penn Aabner Pennington
Franklin Pennington Irvin/Jerome Pennington
James Pennington John Pennington
T Pennington "Francis ""Frank""" Mark Peoples
Waddell Peoples William L Peoples
F Peotl AR Perkins
John H Perkins William Perkins
Isaac R Perrett John R Perrett
R Perrett George W Perrey
D Perry J Perry
James Perry Riley Perry
Thomas S Perry William R Perry
Henry Peter H Petis
Edber J Pettus F M Phenthorn/Phenthom
Elijah M Philips/Phillips E Phillips
John Phillips John R Phillips
Thomas Phillips William L Phillips
Robert Pickle Charles Pierce
Frederick F Pierce John A Pierce
Loron/Loren W Pierce Uphratus C Pierce
John F Pike Philip C Pike
William G Pike J L Piles
William Pittman John B Pitts
William Pleinis/Pleissis Tillman Plott
Jesse Poe Robert Poe
Wiley Poe William T Pointer
Aaron B Pollard James R Pollard
Thomas L Pollard William F Pollard
John Pollman/Rollman Thomas Pool
Joel J Poole/Pool James Pope
George Franklin Portis/Portico/Portice H C Pose
William Post John Potter
James B Pounders Thomas R Pounders
Benjamin H Powell Jasper N Powell
Joshua M Powell Joshua P Powell
Newton J Powell Pinkney Powell
Tilmon Powell William J Powell
Ira F Pratt James S Prentice
W N Preshour Anderson Prestidge
George Prestidge John Prestidge
Francis M Prewett Frederick Price
Frederick F Price Gabriel E Price
Howard Price John C Price
Wilkerson/William P Price John A Price/Prince
John J Prince George W Pugh
Nathan Pugh John Pullem
John R Putnam/Pitman John R Raburn
John F Rackard/Rickard/Rachord Robert F Rackard/Rickard/Rachord
William Rainey William M Raley
James FM Ralry/Raby William Rambo
John L Ramey William P Ramey
William Ramsey/Raney Simeon Randolph
William Ransom Charles L Rape
Clemond R Ray Francis Ray
Alexander R Ray/Roy Thomas C Rayborn
Noah D Rayburn John Read
William Reall John J Reavis/Raevis
Thomas J Reddish William J Reddish
William A Redmond David R Redus
William D Redus Aaron L Reed
Annias/Ananias S Reed David B Reed
Finis E Reed Francis M Reed
James L Reed James M Reed
John H Reed John A Reed
Lovick H Reed Q B Reed
Robert M Reed Samuel M Reed
Samuel G Reed Thomas Reed
William D Reed Archibald Reeves
Josiah C Reeves Thomas Reeves/Reaves
John L Reid Jonathan Reid
J Reily J Remington
William F Renno/Reno W R Reny
John F Reyburn/Raburn/Rayborn John H Reynolds
Pleasant/Pleasenton Reynolds Memory C Reynols
John R Rhone E A Ribourn
James M Ricard F F Rice
John R Rich John G Richards
Thornton M Richards C Madison Richardson
Thomas S Richardson John W Richardson/Richards
William F Rickard Brazilla/Barzilla Rickets
William Rickets William S Ricord
Thomas S Riddles George F Riedis/Redus
William Riggett George Riggs
James A Riggs John W Riggs
James Riley John Riley
Henry C Ringold William J Ringsley
Francis M Ripley Emery Rivers
Jonathan Roach Joseph Roach
William W Roads/Rhoads Daniel Roberson
William N Roberson/Robinson/Robertson A G Roberts
Henry M Roberts Issac Roberts
A R Robertson J H Robertson
Mathew Robertson R B Robertson
William CS Robertson William M Robins
John B Robinson George Robison/Robinson
James Robison/Robinson John Robison/Robinson
William Robison/Robinson J M Rocklan
H Roden Raven/Rowen M Roden
Vincent S Roden George W Rogers
James Jr M Rogers James Sr M Rogers
Jefferson Rogers Julius M Rogers
M Rogers Robert C Rogers
Augustus P Rogers/Rodgers George J Rogers/Rodgers
Christopher C Roler/Roller Columbus C Roller
William Rollin George W Rollins
John H Rollins William L Romines
A C Rose John W Ross
William J Ross William J Rowell
James W Rowland John H Rowland
William T Rowland Calvin/Charles L Rumage
Francis Rumage John D Rumage
George W Russell Issac B Russell
J Russell James J Russell
Jeremiah Russell John F Russell
John Russell Josiah Russell
James Rymer Joel S Rymer
David C Sagle William W Salyers
Jasper N Sanderson John/James M Sanderson
Daniel J Sandlin Jesse Sandlin
Jesse Sandlin J Sanford
Michael Sanford N Sanford
William A Sanford William M Sanner/Sonner
James Sansing Thomas Sasett
John B Sasser R Saulter
Temple F Savage Thomas J Sawyer
Andrew J Scott George WC Scott
John B Scott Joseph R Scott
Stephen A Scott George/John Scroggins
John M Seay Stephen Seftis
Thomas J Segar David Seigle
Allen J Self Allen R Self
Benjamin H Self Carter H Self
James T Self Martin D Self
Matthew G Self Richard C Sellars/Sellers
Calvin/Charles Sellers Hardy Sellers
William H Selvery/Selvey James Sems
Henry C Senyard/Sinyard David Settlemires/Suttlemire
Gabriel M Settlemires/Suttlemire Jacob G Settlemires/Suttlemire
John W Settlemires/Suttlemire McKinsy Settlemires/Suttlemire
William B/H Shafer/Shaffer John W Shaffer
James KP Shakle Owen Shanon/Sharon/Shawn
William H Sharp Daniel Sharpton
William Sharpton/Shopton George W Shaw
John AW Shaw John W Shaw
John O Shay John T Sheets
John Shefen/Shefer Peter Elisha/L Shehorn/Shellborne
David Shelton Walter Shelton
Henry Shook Marcus L Shook
Michael Shook Noah S Shook
Joel T Shopton/Sharpton James J Short
Jabez G Shots William Shots
William P Shots William Thornton Shots
George W Shott George WC Shotts
David J/I/C Shoubert/Shobert/Shoeburt Marcus M Shuffield
Jude H Shurtleff John M Sides
John R Sides William A Sides
Josiah A Sikes William M/W Sikes
Eli Sillivan Simes
H H Simes Robert M Simes/Sims
William R Simms Alexander Simpson
John W Simpson Thomas B Simpson
Wiley Simpson/Simson William Sims
George W Sims/Simms William Singleton
William R/K Sissom Joseph F Sisson
Oliver B Sisson Thomas Sisson
Mikel Sitton John Skinner
Richard J Skinner George W Slaughter
Ezekiel Smalling George W Smalling
John P Smalling George M Smallwood
Joseph G Smallwood Abner Smith
Allen Smith Andrew J Smith
Dallas B Smith Daniel Smith
Daniel M Smith David Smith
David D Smith Edmond Smith
Frank Smith Guy H Smith
Henry F Smith Henry H/M Smith
Henry H Smith James M Smith
James Smith James Smith
James Smith James D Smith
James M Smith Jasper N Smith
Jno Smith John A Smith
John M Smith John OD Smith
Lewis G Smith Martin V/B Smith
Matthew J Smith Starling/Starbury M Smith
Stephen Compton Smith Thomas Smith
Thomas J Smith William Smith
William/Wiley W Smith Jessee Smithers
John G Smithson David R Snelling
John A Snelling Adam Snelson/Smelser
Francis W Snodgrass Thomas W Snow
H Solris Andrew J Southern
Storex Shundy Spain John A Spalding
Coleman Sparks Thomas J Sparks
Asbury Spearman David C Spears
Pleasant C Spears Speedle
Andrew A Speegle Carroll K Speegle
David H Speegle Thomas C Speegle
Julius Spence George Eliphaz Spencer
Thomas J/H Spencer William P Spots
John M Spradling A J/H Spraiggins
David K Spugh/Speegle James M Stacks
Stafford J Stallings
James P Stallings John P Stallings
Micajah Stallings William J/G Stallings
William J/W Stallings Francis/Marion M Stancill
Edward L/S Stanton Elijah A Stanton
Harvey Stanton John Stanton
Robert Stanton Robert Stark
William W Stark James A Statum/Statom
Richard A Steel George D Steele
Ransom Steele Calvin S Stephens
Thomas PD/RD Stephens William T Stephens
David Stephens/Stevens Joseph H/J Stephenson
John Sterling John T Sterling
Josiah Sterling Silas Sterling
Phillip A Sternberg/Stenberg/Sternburg Bray S Stevens
Debso/Debro Stevens George W Stevenson
William Stevenson William B Stevenson
D Steward Jasper S Steward/Stewart
Andrew J Stewart Andrew J Stewart
George W Stewart John W Stewart
Jonathan M Stewart Lemuel L Stewart
Michael Stewart W Stewart
C P Stillman Charles L/S Stillman
F M Stinert Robert G Stockton
William C Stockton John W Stoddard
John Stokes John W Stokes
Burzealy Stone John H Stone
W J Stone William H Stone
William J/I Stone Daniel D Stout
John S Stout John M Stout
William H Stout James Stoveall/Stovall
Abraham Stover David Stover
Obadiah Stover Hiram W Strait
James DW Stram Elijah B Strickland/Strickling
Thomas Strickland/Strickling James K/R Stricklin
James Stringer William M Stringfellow
Carl/Carrol/Charles A Strond Absalom B Stuart
J M Stuart William H Stuart
Joseph Stubblefield W Stubbs
Anderew Studdard Nathaniel Studdard
William Studerd/Stodard Jas Stuttam
John Style John W Suit/Suits
John W Sullivan Henry T Sumner
H Sunyers James Sutton
John Sutton M Sutton
Thomas Sutton Lambert W Swan
William L Swan John GC/GE Swaving
James Sweat John Sweat
Joseph C Sweat LTS Sweat
Thomas J Sweat Christopher Sweat/Sweet
Lewis Sweet James C Swift
Aaron H Swim Elijah J Swindle
Lewis W Tacket Abner W Tackett
John W Tanner Silas Tanner
William L Tanner/Lamar John T Tate
William A Tate John Taver/Tarrer/Tarver
Allen J Taylor Andrew J Taylor
Charles A Taylor Granville Taylor
Hiram Taylor James Taylor
James Taylor John R Taylor
John W Taylor John Taylor
John J Taylor Jonathan Taylor
Joseph P Taylor Josiah Taylor
Martin Taylor Nathan Taylor
Simeon Taylor Thomas L Taylor
Thomas Taylor W J Taylor
Warren Taylor Jordan Teal
Joseph Tease Reese Tease
Thomas J Tedford F Teide
Charles W Tenant/Tannant John Tenant/Tannant
John C Tennison Archibald Terry
David Terry Garland Terry
James H Terry John Terry
William R Terry Nicholas M Terry/Tary
Thomas F Thacker William Themster
Hiram Thise J Thomas
J J Thomas Lewis C/H Thomas
P Thomas William Thomas
Edward Thompson John S Thompson
Jonathan O Thompson Lewis Thompson
Nathan Thompson Robert L Thompson
W L Thompson William Thompson
William Thompson James B/P Thornhill
Henry M Thornton James Thornton
James M Thornton Martin V Thornton
Francis M Thrasher Marion Thrasher
William D Thrasher Benjamin F Tidwell
Micajah Tidwell Peter Tidwell
Peter S Tidwell Simeon Tidwell
Thomas E Tidwell William Tidwell
William G Tidwell P Tillman
I/J Tilly/Tiley James M Tindal
Clinton Tittle James S Tittle
Peter Tittle Silas Tolbert
Nicholas Tomb/Toombs John C Tompkins
John W Tompkins Benjamin F Toner
William B Towns Sanford Tramel
C A Tramner William Traylor
William/Wade H Treadway Henry G Treadway/Treadaway
Frasure M Treutham Joseph A Trice
Josiah Trotter George A Truelove
Herbert A Truelove Benjamin F Truin
I F Tub John F Tuck
Robert Tuck Rickard D/A Tuck/Tucker
Daniel Tucker Edward B Tucker
Greenburg Tucker Henry Tucker
Jack Tucker Jesse Tucker
John J Tucker Simeon Tucker
Enoch F Tucker/Lucher James A Tune
Francis W Tupper Levi Turner
Thomas A Turner W S Turner
Martin F Turrentine Martin J Turrentine
Richard J Turrentine James Tyler
Jasper F Tyler John W Tyler
Thomas Tyler Wiley S Tyler
William G Tyler Gun Ullry
Cosander/Casander/Arthene Urham/Urban James Ussery/Ursery
Daniel Utley George W Uttly/Uttley
John F Uttly/Uttley Samuel Uttly/Uttley
James J Vail Lewis V Vanhoose
Robert F Vanhose/Vanhoose William Y Vanhose/Vanhoose
Willis A Vaughn George W Vest
Henry K Vest Jonathan Vest
William A Vest Pleasant Viar
John Vickers John Vincenent/Vinson
John J Vines William J Vines
William M Vinson John H Waddle
John R Waddle William Wade
John W Wakefield Lewis Waldon
Pinckney Waldrep William C Waldrip/Wauldrup
Stephen Waldron J Waldrup
Albert S Walker Buckner Walker
James H Walker James Walker
John Walker John Franklin Walker
Jonathan Walker Memory Walker
Robert H Walker Robert J Walker
S Walker T F Walker
William H Walker William Walker
William F Walker William R Walker
Isaac Walker/Waker Jonathan Walker/Waker
James Walks Alexander Wall
John Wall Littleton/Lyttleton Wallace
Luther Wallace Madison/Thomas M/WM Wallace
Robert L Wallace John Wallard
John H Walling James F Walls
M F Walls James H Walpool
J M Walters Eli Walters/Waters
Stephen Walton Anderson Ward
John W Ward Robert B Ward
William Ward William H Ward
Joseph Wardlow Warfield
James Warner John Warner
Henry Warren J Warren
James A Warren Dilmus S Warrington
John Warron William G/C/E Washer
Henry H Waters G W Watson
James M Watson
John W Watts William Watts
James Wattson/Watson Henry Weaver
James R Weaver Jessie/Jesse Weaver
Hardy Webb Hardy Webb
James E Webb James E Webb
John Webb John Webb
T M Wedgeworth Henry C Welch
William Welch Ephriam B West
Green B West John B West
Moses West Simon/Simeon West
Zachriah F/T West Charles Whaley
Joseph W Whaley Joseph E Whaley
James H Wheeler Joel A Wheeler
Peter E Whisenant Andrew White
Hugh P White J White
Jackson W White James P White
James L White James J White
John W White John White
Drury H Whitehead Ephram Whitehead
George W Whitehead Joseph P Whitehead
Felix G Whitehurst Frederick W Whitehurst
Simeon A Whitehurst Henry Whitley
J C Whitley John C Whitley
William T/F Whitley Jasper Whitley/Whitly
James Whittaker William Whitten/Whiton
Thomas Wicks William Wideman
Anthony Wigginton James Wigginton
James M Wigginton John KG Wigginton
Lafayette Wigginton Lorenzo Wigginton
Martin Wigginton Benjamin F Wiley
Ezekial Wilhite Jackson W Wilhite
John P Wilhite John Jarman Wilhite
James C Wilhite/Willhite William S Wilis
Alexander C Williams Andrew J Williams
Benjamin Williams Daniel Williams
Franklin Williams Frederick Williams
George B Williams George W Williams
George W Williams Green Williams
Henry B Williams Isaac A Williams
J M Williams Jack Williams
James/Frank Williams Jessy Williams
Joel Williams Joel W Williams
John Williams John Williams
Joseph JN Williams Luther M Williams
Marion Williams Riley Williams
Stephen Williams Wesley Williams
William C Williams James Williams/Wilhelms
Charles Williams/Williamson David Jackson Williamson
J WF Williamson/Williams John Willis
William Willis C H Willom
Jesse Willum Baron D Wilson
Charles M Wilson George W Wilson
George W Wilson Hugh M Wilson
James Wilson John Wilson
John Wilson John T Wilson
Josiah Wilson William W Wilson
Mark S Wilton John T Winder
Henry C Wingul/Wingo Thomas Winsett
Samuel Winters Willis Winters
William Wofford Leonard/Lenard Wolf/Wolfe
James R Wolfe J W Wood
James O Wood James M Wood
James N/M Wood Joseph R Wood
Robert C Wood William A Wood
William B Wood Ervin/Erving M Woodall
Jonathan M Woodall Joseph Woodall
William J Woodall William E Woodall
William Woodam/Woodham Evilyn S Woodford
Samuel Woodruff Daniel Woody
Samuel Woolbright James M Woolbright/Woodright
Benjamin F Wooley William Woolridge
William T Wooly Daniel R Wooster
Daniel H Wooster James P Wooster
Charles W Wooten James H Wortham
George W Wray Monroe Wray
Washington Wray Asa J Wright
James A Wright James H Wright
John N/M Wright Joseph B/V Wright
Robert Wright Williamson W Wright
C V Wry John Wyatt
William Wyatt Josiah Wyatt/Wyott
John A Wyers/Wiers Thomas J Wyley/Wiley
Albert M Yarbear Francis M Yarbrough
Joshua P Yarbrough/Yarber Henry M Yew/Yow
Marion L York Wesley C York
Anderson Young Isaac Young
John W Young William W Young
John H Stone Charles Armstrong
Joab Holley Marion Jasper Isbell
Robert Alexander Boyd

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